Pensamiento crítico

Desarrollar proyectos de investigación para resolver los problemas relacionados con mi desarrollo profesional

Critical thinking

Many times we can be surprised by arguments that seem valid but ultimately turn out to be false. The problem is that they are so persuasive that they entangle us without even being aware of it. In some way, we begin to suspect the arguments that emphasize the emotional and we come to discard, minimize or despise the rational.

We are surrounded by a lot of information, that information shows others the way to program and generates a competition. Each printed page floods us with endless convincing arguments so that we obtain what they offer us. Your success depends on your ability to persuade. That’s why, the care we should have according to the infrmation we have.

Finally, I want to tell my experience in the realization of a blog that presents the different Red Flags that indicate to us that very probably there is a fallacy in the arguments that expose us.

Among some of them I can mention.
Argument of authority
Ancient wisdom
Confirmation bias
Confusion of correlation and causality
False tracks
Preba of verbosity
Mystical energy
Suppression of authorities
“Everything natural”

As well as the fallacies of:
Call to ignorance
Confusion of correlation and causation
Media excluded
Authority calling
“Straw man”
Composition and
ifference between the red flags and the fallacies is that the first ones are warnings so that we can doubt the arguments. Instead, they become a fallacy when the error has already been detected.

This subject motivated me to analyze more what I think because it is important not to be deceived.